5 Greasy Hair Solutions That Will Put An End To An Oily Scalp

5 Greasy Hair Solutions That Will Put An End To An Oily Scalp

As you run your fingers along your curls while looking at yourself in the mirror, you cannot help but notice the droopy, greasy state your hair is in. Just when you are all ready to leave the house, it makes you frustrated that your freshly-washed hair is in this oily mess. What could possibly be causing this?


Sebum is an oily substance that is secreted from the sebaceous glands in the surface of our skin. It is essential for our hair as it keeps our strands healthy, smooth and manageable. Furthermore, the sebum provides hydration and moisturising for our hair, acting as a protection barrier to prevent it from getting brittle due to excessive drying or hot weather conditions.


However, when too much sebum is secreted, the sticky oil traps dirt, dust and pollution in your hair. That is how we end up having greasy, dull-looking hair. The hair follicles will get clogged and this obstruction can impede your natural hair growth cycle. Not only will you start to have unhealthy and greasy hair, it will become a nightmare for you as it can also eventually cause sebum hair loss. To make things worse, the clogged follicles can get inflamed, irritating the skin and causing dandruff.


Oily hair will be something to worry about in a long run but before you start making any changes to your lifestyle or begin seeking for hair treatment for oily scalp, it is first important to understand some of the factors that might be causing it in the first place.


  1. Your natural hair type has a part to play in this. For instance, if your hair is naturally straight, it would not be a surprise if it is oily as the sebum is able to travel more evenly from the roots to tips without any obstruction from, for example, curls.
  2. Does your mother or father have oily hair? If either of your parents has had oily hair, then there is a high chance that you most likely have it too.
  3. Or if you are living in a place that has high humidity, you will inevitably have not only hair but also oily skin. There is unfortunately not much you can do about it, other than switching up your daily personal care routine.



  • Eat properly to encourage healthy oil production. You are what you eat and to embark on the road for less oily hair, you can start by cutting down on greasy or spicy food consumption. In replacement for this, consume more vitamin and mineral-enriched food such as salmon and tuna that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, beans, yogurt and low-fat cheese.


  • Rinse your hair with cold water as it closes your hair cuticles, reducing damage to your hair. On the other hand, hot water, as well as the usage of hot tools, stimulates the sebaceous glands, causing them to go into oil production overload. Thus, avoid using the hairdryer and let your hair dry naturally as well.


  • Wash your hair every other day. Most people would over-wash and scrub their hair excessively as a solution to removing the oil when this, in fact, actually makes it worse. When you wash your hair a lot just to get rid of the oil, this does more harm than good. Shampoo is an emulsifier that traps the oil, which will be rinsed out when you clean your hair. This dries out your hair and scalp, only to produce more oil.


  • Reduce the usage of hairstyling tools such as straightener, curling iron and hairdryer. The hot air from the hairdryer will stimulate oil production faster, encouraging your glands to produce more sebum. Additionally, brush your hair only when needed. Handling your hair excessively can also contribute to increased oil distribution. As a suggestion, you can style your hair just as well with bursts of cool air instead.


  • Hair products such as dry shampoo can be incredibly drying on your scalp, causing it to produce even more oil and making your hair look greasier. Instead, use a shampoo containing nourishing oils that is gentle on the scalp and a lightweight conditioner to wash your hair.


Your body will continuously produce sebum, but you can definitely keep your oil production under control. Here’s to healthy, radiant hair when you consider trying some of these tips that might work for your hair type.


However, if you do not see positive results, you should seek professional help. At TwoHerbs, you can consult our Oily Scalp Specialists to address the root of your hair problems. Our treatments maintain and restore hair follicles, stimulating healthier hair growth. Aside from that, our treatments are also great when you are suffering from hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, premature greying, eczema, psoriasis, and more that can all lead to thinning hair.